The weekend's highlight was Sunday's 89-mile road ride with Mike Piker who is making a comeback from late-winter knee surgery following a skiing accident. It was awesome to see him riding so strong already condsidering the severity of his injury. We rode from Moose, WY to Yellowstone's south entrance and back and joked the whole time about trying to pick a more scenic ride next time. Ha!

One of my garage projects was to replace the bottom brackets on my two mtn bikes. I seem to go through Shimano or Race Face outboard bottom brackets in six months to one year. Even replacing the stock bearings with Enduro Bearings only delays their inevitable death. We have a lot of deep creek crossings here. Chris King released their BB last year and I can finally service my own BBs and should be able to get a lot more life out of them. In addition to being able to fully disassemble the King BB, clean it out, relube, and reassemble it, you can aslo squirt new grease into it without removing it from the bike. Genius!

Prior to my quality time in the garage on Saturday, I got out on the Air9 for some climbin'. Let's just say that I got reaquainted with the Idaho side of Teton Pass as I got my "L4" groove on. I love look on the roadie's faces when I catch them while climbing on the mtn bike.

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