Sunday's ride on Snow King's finest singletrack was an excellent mojo building exercise. I was able to chase a group of fast riders around their home trails for aobut 4 1/2 hours and work on my skillz as well as my fitness. I really need to ride over there more as the Snow King trails have a little bit of everything to offer.

Our group, which fluctuated in size as the ride wore on, consisted of Leadville vets, Cream Puff-ers, a Breck Epic entrant, and a Breck 100 entrant.

In other mojo building news, The Love Shack is in the home stretch and the race for 2nd Place in the Tour Divide looks like it will come down to the wire. I spoke to JayP yesterday and he sounded good and is looking forward to knocking this thing out. Go Go Go!
Did you ride up or down the "switchback's of death?" If you rode up amazing and if you rode down I'm glad you didn't endo.
B-shizzle - we rode them down, and that was not exactly easy. I had to Fred Flintstone a couple of times.
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