I think every truly memorable ride includes a low moment where I question whether I can continue and during Sunday’s ride I had two of them. Both of them came at surprising times. I knew about the big climb on dirt up to Beaver Mesa. So in my brain, once I knocked this motha’ out I was home free…I was so wrong. I knew we had another big climb but it is on friggin pavement. How hard can that be? Ha! If you add a brutal headwind, snow (I am not kidding), and the fact that you have been riding for a very long time already, you have the ingredients for my little personal purgatory. At one point I could see Lynda and Dave in the distance happily spinning along and I was killing myself to pedal DOWNHILL, in my middle chain ring, on pavement. As I looked up the road a bit I could see the pavement continue to climb way, way up the mountain and that was low moment #1. I didn’t want to climb anymore. I had a little talk with myself, called my self a few names out loud that I won’t repeat, took in some calories, and all of this seemed to help. Once we finally crested the paved climb we turned off onto the dirt descent into Moab. I love descending…when I can feel my hands. My fingerless gloves were not so sweet in the snow and wind and my fingers were about useless for braking and steering. Instead of enjoying the rocky downhill I just wanted to get warm and I almost pulled over and built a fire. That was low moment #2.
This was the most scenic day by far and I could have looked around a bit more but, as David Byrne says, “This ain’t no party, this ain’t no disco, this ain’t no foolin’ around.” There is so much to think about before the KTR regarding water, lights, pacing, clothing, etc. I am sure I will have more thoughts once the past three day’s events have sunk in a bit. Right now I need to go find more food.
It's going to be tough on Race day, but i like the direction change so far. The terrain is much more interesting on the Moab half, makes for a better distraction for the pain :)
Good times. I don't remember waiting around much for you but I do remember the smack you put down on Sand Flats Road! Impressive finish :-)
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