This past weekend's weather was much of the same but I was able to get in one good ride regardless. I tested out the MSR DromLite bladder filled with 200oz of water to get a feel for what it would be like to ride with that much weight on my shoulders. Yeah, it sucked. But the alternative during the KTR is severe dehydration so I may just have to suck it up. After I pre ride the course a bit I will finalize my filtering / water carrying strategy. Since my goal is simply to finish this thing I may opt for carrying a 100oz bladder + a 24oz bottle and stopping three times to filter.
The 2007 Tuesday Night World Championships officially begin tomorrow night over in Jackson. I enjoy getting absolutely throttled by this group of fast roadies and seeing my heart rate hit all-time highs so I will attend these rides most weeks as long as it is not a race week or a recovery week. I have learned that I don't fully recover from them for a few days.
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