I tried jumping on my Turner Sultan, clipped in and lycra clad, but it just wasn't the same. The low center of gravity, wide bars, compact frame, and overall burliness of a true dirt jump bike has a specific purpose...to launch you into outer space and then let you land safely. I had to have one. After all, I helped bring this park to fruition and I plan on spending a lot of time there in the future so I might as well have the right bike.

I had a small breakthrough last night at the bike park. I finally landed all three trannies on the small jump line...repeatedly. What a cool feeling! For those who have never dirt jumped, landing cleanly on the transition generates speed and sets you up to clear the next jump. If you come up short of the transition and land on the table-top instead, all speed is lost.
Tonight I am back to training and will attend the Tuesday Night World Championships in Jackson where I plan to launch to several Kamikaze attacks that will surely fail spectacularly. Ha!
you well have to hit the bmx track next time your in Virgin...
Byers-I was stoked with a hardtail for hours 1-4 at the E100...not at all stoked hours 5-11. Choose your weapon wisely ;) We're going down for some course recon this weekend so I'll let you know my final verdict after seeing a little of the course.
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