Quick Summary:
- JayP and I did 8 laps each, 16 total, and finished 6th or 7th in the duo male category.
- TraceyP crushed it and took 2nd in the solo female category with 13 laps despite getting two flats and having drivetrain issues. She was only 30 min out of first.

Although Jay and I were both treating this race as training, neither one of us were exactly “cruising” around the course. When I saw Jay take the lead in the run at the start and get to his bike first I knew his game face was on. In addition to doing the same number of laps, we each suffered one mechanical costing us similar chunks of time. Somewhere near the top of lap #5, Jay ripped the rear derailleur off of his Alma 29er and had to run the rest of the uphill sections and coast the downhills. Impressive. This was a 51 minute lap compared to his two previous sub-35 minute laps. Later, as I was riding our 10th lap, I flatted my front tire on a rocky downhill section and tried to get the Stans to fill the gash but eventually had to put a tube in to finish the lap. This was a 49 minute lap instead of a 37-38 minute lap.

As usual, the people make these events memorable. My super-supportive & lovely wife decided to join me at the last minute and we had a great mini-getaway weekend including a fun Mid-Mountain Trail ride on Sunday. Although Michelle deserved a break from work as well, she dove right in and supported all of us at different times throughout the day. It was great sharing the pit with Jay, Tracey, and Rob. Seeing Lynda & Dave as well as Brad Mullen was a treat too. Lynda and I sat in the shade after an early lap and chatted about how fun it is to race duo and rest up in between laps while your respective partners are out there killing it.
Oh yeah, the new Sultan is ok. I think I will keep it. (wink, wink)
It was nice seeing you again and great job Saturday. Aren't mechanicals fun! Sounds like you guys had more than your share. Thanks for the encouragement when you passed me the last time going up TBB (I think!) and thanks for bringing in such good weather. If I get the courage, I may see you at Grand Targhee in August. Stay safe and I hope to see you soon.
Brad, it would be great to see you at the Ghee in August. Definitely let me know ahead of time if you are coming.
Dave nice race! I wanted to be there, but other things took precedence. I am sorta taking the summer off from racing, and I am starting to miss that competitive spirit.
Great ride, hope to see you soon.
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