To keep up with the latest, check out www.victorvelo.com.
Although there are more elaborate bike parks out there, I think we raised the bar in terms of execution. Here is the basic timeline:
March 2009
- Victor Velo, an Idaho non-profit, was founded by four Victor, ID cyclists: Dave Byers, Scott Fitzgerald, Jannine Fitzgerald, & Dave Bergart
April 2009
- Victor Velo offically decided to pursue building a bike park in Victor, ID
- A proposal was created to present to the City of Victor
- Victor Velo presented our Victor Bike Proposal to the City of Victor and it was approved with the condition that we attend the Pioneer Park Master Planning session
- Victor Velo attended three days of park planning sessions and our rough footprint was approved
- Victor Velo obtained a signed Memorandum of Understanding from the City of Victor to use approximately one acre of Pioneer Park for the Victor Bike Park
May 2009
- Victor Velo interviews prospective bike park builders and decided to hire Jay Hoots of Vancouver, Canada
- Designs for the bike park are in the works and build dates in July 2009 are finalized.
June 2009
- Bike Park designs are finalized and a pump track and progressive dirt jump lines are determined to be part of Phase I
- Scott and Dave freaked out and nearly needed therapy when they realize the amount of dirt that needed to be moved
July 2009
- Thursday July 9th, several local excavation operators generously donated their time and equipment to move nearly 100 dump truck loads of dirt into Pioneer Park
- Thursday July 16th, Jay Hoots arrives in the late afternoon and we immediately began moving dirt into place
- Monday July 20th, the last dirt is shaped and the tools are gathered up
- Tuesday July 21st, the sweet buck n' rail fence surrounding the park is completed
- The Victor Bike Park is open to the public and more kids are discovering the park daily
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