This item falls squarely into the "bike lust" category. I didn't "need" a new fork for my Fatback but when I saw pics of
Speedway Cycle's latest creation I couldn't help myself. And now that it is here, I have absolutely zero buyer's remorse. It is FAT and it is sexy baby!
818 grams of Fatback carbon sexinessDue to sleeping in late, (which felt really good by the way) I didn't get the fork installed before my ride today but tomorrow it will see its first real action.
Darby Canyon got 3-4" of snow last night and was slow but 100% rideable. This may be the last pic you see of the skinny steel fork for a while.
Your sick dude..see a shrink. You need help bad. Carbon fiber substance abuse is hard to shake.
NICE piece!!
snow / forecast from GFS,
Weather for Teton Village
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