The Cream Puff historically attracts strong riders from all over the country and there is usually a strong contingent from Jackson/Teton Valley. At my last count we have ten local racers heading to the Puff this year and racing with friends always adds to the motivation. It also provides an opportunity for a little trash talking...
Are you ready for non-stop, glorious suffering?
Have you nailed your taper or did you ride too much this week thinking you could make a last-minute deposit to your fitness account?
Did you figure out what the creak on your bike was? I wouldn't worry about, its probably nothing.
Is your nutrition plan proven at 90F? Will your Perpetuem turn funky in your drop bag by 2pm as the temperature climbs at Aid #2?
Have you trained your triceps and index fingers to rage a fern-lined descent for 20 minutes non-stop?
Does that new chain you just put on mesh with that old cassette?
Ah yes, some serious questions will be answered this Sunday in Oakridge, OR.
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