As of yesterday, the mountains surrounding Driggs, ID have received 363" of snow this season. Basically, I picked a tough year to commit to training for the Su100 instead of my usual program of skiing when it snows and snow biking when it doesn't. Ha!
Sunday morning I left the house at 6AM for a 4.5 hour ride that included falling snow, then 25 MPH wind, then blowing snow, and lastly 28 degree calm condiditons. Chris E. is also training for the Su100 and joined me for the early morning the tour of Teton Valley backroads.
A backroads burn barrel!
The snow is piling up! This fence in our backyard is over 5' high.

Best of luck to all of the
Arrowhead 135 racers out there! The race started this morning in moderate (for the Arrowhead) 21F and cloudy conditions.
Way to get after it guys. It has gotta be tuff to see the skis on the wall knowing you have to get on the bike and train. All this hard work will pay off once the
Su100 starts.
See ya round.
you are so cool i don't even know to express it.
hope the prep is going well, hope you're feeling incredible, and i hope that you're at least a LITTLE excited ;-)
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