Monday, June 25, 2012

Another Boring Weekend in Boise...

...nothing to see here.  The weather sucks, the trails are too far from town, nobody here likes dogs, and nobody smiles or says hello out on the trails.  You might as well keep driving west.  I hear California is nice. (Insert a big FAT dose of sarcasm here) Ha!

Selma is ready to rock

Singlespeed Saturday
As I pedaled over to Ft. Boise to meet Pete for our ride I realized that I was still feeling the pace of the Thursday Night Ride, aka TNR, with the Eastside Cycles crew.  My stoke level was super high but my legs were heavy.  Being a great guy, Pete showed me no mercy and dropped his 32x20 hammer on the Orchard/Watchmans climbs.  I was lubing the top tube with drool.  The next time I ride with Pete I need to bring the metal sledgehammer and not my plastic toy hammer. Doh!  The trails were surprisingly empty for a gorgeous Saturday morning and we had Watchman’s to ourselves.

Pete Ross off the front on Watchmans
With the Cream Puff being a week away, Saturday was to be a nice 3-hour shakedown ride on Selma and I even broke out the Enve race wheels for the dress rehearsal.  Selma is ready to rock.

Pete needed to bail a little early so I circled back to where I “thought” M might be riding and I met up with her on her descent of Shane’s.  She had stopped to say hello to Cairo, a handsome 2 year old Rhodesian Ridgeback out for a hike with his owner.  M and I finished out the ride together.  Whenever possible, we try to end our rides on Red Cliffs so we can huck sick air on the mini-tabletops.  Did you notice my proper usage of “huck” and “sick air” in the same sentence?  Yeah, I am hip like that.

M and her new buddy Cairo
Exploration Sunday   
I was looking forward to Sunday’s ride all week.  M and I had planned to explore the trails just below Bogus Basin Resort.  Cory was nice enough to share a GPX file from his BIG RIDE the previous week so I loaded in into Topofusion and created the route I wanted.  Let me just say right now, the East Side Trail rocks!  The temp was 15F cooler up there and we were in the trees for 80% of the ride.  A lot of folks park lower on the Bogus Basin Rd but I wanted to experience the whole enchilada, up and down, so we parked at the top of East Side and descended all the way down to the bottom.

Eastside to Stack Rock to Big Stack to Mr Big to Sinker Creek and back out Eastside
 It is well worth the 30 minute drive to get up there but it will also be cool to ride from town up to these trails on big ride days.     


  1. California is pretty nice Dave.

    Hope you appreciate your blessed life 'cuz where you have been and are looks pretty freakin' awesome!!

    'Flow time' trails dude!


  2. Buzz - I agree that parts of CA are stunning. I was born and raised in San Jose, CA and went to SJSU before moving away after college. Sadly, I was not into mountain biking when I lived there.
