Monday, January 19, 2009

Blowin' the needle off the fun meter

How do you know you have had a great weekend? If, while drinking that extra cup of coffee Monday morning, you are sore all over AND can't wipe the smile from your face, you probably had a good weekend. More details on the weekend later but for now a couple of albums:

Saturday we toured to the top of Mt. Oliver with wonderful friends in incredible weather. As an added bonus, the snow was surprisingly good.

Sunday I met up with JayP and T-Race for a dawn patrol snow bike ride from Lower Slide Lake to beyond Goosewing Ranch. Snow biking is "as good as it gets" here right now.


  1. I think this could possibly be the worst sounding weekend ever. I can't wait to hear the rest of the story.

    It's good to live where we do!

  2. Dave,

    I'm glad to see it was a great weekend. It looks like you had some excellent sking saturday and even better biking on Sunday. Thanks for the pictures.

