Friday, September 26, 2008

Injured Reserve

I should be in Crested Butte, CO right NOW drinking wonderful,strong, black coffee with Ed & JJ before a pre-ride of the Crested Butte Classic course. But I am not. I am in Victor, ID with a deep bruise on my hip and a lot of road rash from last Wednesday's crash. I really struggled with this one and was quite grumpy for a while (sorry Michelle) about pulling the plug even though it was clearly the right thing to do.

I was SO looking forward to riding in Crested the fall! And I was REALLY looking forward to riding with Ed & JJ.

I am sending strong, fast vibes to CB this Sat. Go Jenny Go!

Although cross-fever has hit me, I feel the need for one more long one in 2008...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dave - we missed seeing you!! Jeny did great, thanks for the fast vibes!

    I'll be posting pictures soon.

    Heal up.

